Keskväljak 4 - Keskväljak 4 – uusarenduse uus standard Keilas
Keskväljak 4 –
uusarenduse uus standard:

A energy class
+ lift.
cooling equipments
included in
smart home
heat recovery
forced ventilation.
finished polished
interior design.
apartment building
by the central square.
4 floors and
25 apartments.
2-4 rooms
in early 2023.
and knowledge.

imelist uut ajastut kellegi elus

See on uusarenduste uus standard ja täitunud unistus, rõõm ning rahulolu. Uus kodu Keilas, stiilse arhitektuuriga majas, mis on täis luksust, uue standardina kaasaegseid tehnilisi lahendusi ning lõputuid mugavusi. Väikese maja turvalisus ja tõeline kodutunne.

Keskväljak 4 is 2023 aasta suvel valmiv uus kortermaja Keila linna keskväljaku ääres, rahulikus ja vaikses asukohas. See on ideaalne kodu inimesele, kes hindab rahulikku elustiili, rohelist keskkonda ning endale omast sotsiaalset keskkonda. Interjööris märkab viimse detailini lihvitud disaini, kus päevavalgus tulvab üle avarate ruumide. Kodutunne ja head mälestused algavad just siit. Jalutuskäigu kaugusele jäävad toidupoed, ühistranspordipeatused, kool ja lasteaed. Samuti tervisespordirajad, pargid ja alleed.

Hubaste korterite juurde kuuluvad rõdud ja terrassid, millest kõrgemate korruste korteritest avanevad lummavad ja kordumatud vaated ümbruskonnale ning õhtupimeduses kordumatu Tallinna kuma. Mugav parkimine kinnistul või maa-alusel korrusel ning panipaik esemete hoiustamiseks.



The architects of Keskväljak 4 are Ott Kadarik and Mihkel Tüür. Antud arhitektide suurepärasesse loomingusse kuulub mitmeid märkimisväärseid maju ja kvartaleid. Ühena nendest peab kindlasti välja tooma ROTERMANNI ELAMUKVARTALI Tallinnas. Paljud nende tööd on hinnatud erinevate eriala auhindadega ja lisaks asub nende “medalikapis” aasta 2015 Eesti Vabariigi paviljoni loomine EXPO MILAN 2015 näitusele Milanos, Itaalias.


Health- and
Sport and
Shops and

Keilas on nii Selver, RIMI, Maxima, Coop, Grossi toidukaubad kui ka Espak, Rõõmu Kaubamaja ja Keila turg. Circle K ja kaks Alexela tanklat.


360 view from the floor

360 view from the floor

360 view from the floor

360 view from the floor

Floor 1

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Floor 2

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Floor 3

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Floor 4

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  • Look closer

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Interior Design

package 1

Take a closer look

Interior Design

package 2

Take a closer look

Interior Design

package 3

Take a closer look


Energy class A building.
The building is built on a tape foundation.
The main load-bearing structure of the building is a concrete-filled concrete block (Columbia or analogue) and partially monolithic concrete walls. The façade is mainly covered with plaster (black) and heat-treated wood boarding. Plastered exterior walls are insulated with a 225 mm polystyrene foam sheet (for example, EPS Silver or analogue), and wood-boarded walls are insulated with 150 mm PIR insulation (for example, Kingspan Therma TW57 or analogue).
The load-bearing walls and walls between apartments are of concrete-filled concrete blocks (Columbia or analogue). The non-load-bearing internal walls of the apartments are lightweight gypsum walls, filled with insulation wool and reinforced to the required extent with fibreboard (for example, to attach a sink to the bathroom wall and to attach kitchen furniture according to the apartment plan). The walls of the technical communication shafts are of concrete-filled concrete blocks.
Hollow core slabs of reinforced concrete. The slabs shall be covered with a concrete floor with an additional layer of noise insulation. The cavity of the slab, crossing the apartment ownership, shall be filled with concrete to prevent further noise between apartment ownerships.
Prefabricated stair flights and landings of reinforced concrete elements, finished with ceramic tiles.
The floors of balconies and terraces are on a steel load-bearing structure covered with weathertight roll material. The walls of balconies and terraces are plastered or wooden (according to the project).
The flat roof of the building is covered with weathertight roll material. The primary insulation for flat roofs and roof terraces is polystyrene foam sheets.
The windows and balcony doors are triple-glazed, energy-efficient PVC profile windows (white inside and dark outside). The glazing units on the south-facing windows have an additional sun protection factor.
The exterior doors of the apartments are smooth, painted (dark grey) solid doors with increased soundproofing, and the interior doors painted single-leaf solid doors. The main entrance to the dwelling is an aluminium profile door with safety glass, equipped with a phono lock system. The intermediate doors in the common corridors are metal profile doors with safety glass.
The apartments are heated by underfloor heating. The source of heat supply is district heating. The heat consumption shall be distributed proportionally among the apartments according to the apartment's heated area.
The apartments are equipped with forced ventilation systems with a high heat recovery factor. Separately, each apartment is provided to have a kitchen hood extractor (the kitchen hood shall be supplied and installed by the apartment owner).
Each apartment has an independent multi-split cooling system, where the internal parts of the cooling is for each room (kitchen-living room and bedrooms). The control of the internal parts of the cooling system is connected to the smart home system.
The necessary hot water is prepared in a heating station. The cold and warm water meters of the apartment building are remotely readable.
Electricity meters for apartments shall be installed in a control room on the 1st floor and are remotely readable. All the design sockets, switches and heating thermometers shall be installed in the apartment. The luminaries shall be installed in the sanitary rooms and the ceiling of the hall and corridor, according to the project. The roof of the building has a solar power station based on solar panels with a capacity of approximately 18 kW.
The building has a passenger lift, with a capacity of 6 people / 450 kg, speed is approx. 1.0 m/s. There are storage rooms and a parking area on the ‘-1’ floor of the building (parking for 15 apartments, the rest of the parking places are in the courtyard).
There are storage rooms and a parking area on the ‘-1’ floor of the building (parking for 15 apartments, the rest of the parking places are in the courtyard). The parking floor is accessible by car via the lifting gate and on foot through the evacuation doo.
Free-space optical communication is provided to the apartments. The apartments are equipped with internal communication and security alarm cabling. Each room has facilities for connecting communications equipment.
The building and the apartments are equipped with a smart home system, used to control the phono lock and general area passes, the lifting gate on the parking floor, the internal climate of the building (heating, ventilation, cooling), and to forward the consumption information on the utility costs. Surveillance cameras have been installed on the exterior perimeter of the building, in the lobby and the parking level.
The lot has a courtyard area with parking.



A reservation agreement is entered into with the client when booking an apartment. The first payment of the contract of purchase and sale under the law of obligations shall include a reservation fee of EUR 3,00.

Contract under the law of obligations

Broneerimiskokkuleppes lepitud ajal sõlmitakse Ostjaga notariaalne võlaõiguslik korteriomandi ostu-müügileping (VÕL). Klient tasub 15 % korteriomandi maksumusest (sisaldab broneerimistasu). Summa tasutakse enne võlaõigusliku ostu-müügi lepingu sõlmimist notari deposiitarvele.

Asjaõiguslik leping

Pärast korteri valmimist ja ehitustööde vastuvõtmist kliendi poolt sõlmitakse notariaalne asjaõiguslik ostu-müügileping. Ostja tasub 85% korteri maksumusest. Kinnistusregistris tehakse kanne omaniku vahetuse kohta. Kõik ostu-müügitehinguga seotud notaritasud ja riigilõivud tasub Ostja.

Korteriomandi müügihind sisaldab

- Interior finishing of the apartment according to the interior finishing package
- Connection to water mains and sewerage
- Connection to electricity and heating
- Connectivity to the telephone network and cable TV
- Connectivity to a security company

Korteriomandi müügihind ei sisalda

- Notary fees and state fee related to the transaction
- Connection fee for communication, security and cable TV services
- Storage space on the ground floor
- Parking place under the house or in the courtyard
- Membership fee for apartment association


Leila Nurk
Real estate specialist +372 502 3505
Peeter Oja
Sales-development +372 50 29 858
Development +372 50 45082
Kodu aitab osta Swedbank
Pakkumise saamiseks kasuta koodi OBERHAUS to receive the offer and you will be served as a priority. CALCULATE Telefon: 613 1324
Financial services is provided by Swedbank AS.

Check the conditions and consult.


Anna sellest meile märku ja me leiame sulle sobivaima lahenduse